Infographics for Writing Courses
Traci Gardner, Department of English, Virginia Tech

How the Major Projects Connect

How the Major Projects Connect

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The projects in this course build upon one another. Naturally, the work you do on one project will help you do better on the next. It's more than that though in this course.

Professional Bio

You use information from your Bio when you write the section of your Short Proposal that details why you are qualified to complete your project.

Analysis of Writing in Your Field

You choose from the list of kinds of writing in your field when you decide on a focus for your Genre Analysis Report.

Short Proposal

When you write your Short Proposal, you explain what you will focus on in your Genre Analysis Report and how it relates to other kinds of writing in your field.

Progress Report

You outline the status of your work on your Genre Analysis Report in your Progress Report.

Genre Analysis Report

Your Genre Analysis Report is the culmination of all the projects, proving that you can identify the features of a kind of writing on your own.

Goal of These Assignments

The goal is learn how to research writing in your field and then to develop a process for determining how to write anything you need in the workplace. You will know what information to look for and how much detail you need to find.



Icons all from The Noun Project and used under a CC-BY license: building Blocks by Made by Made, profile by zidney, spreadsheet by heathersabrina, presentation by Llisole, analysis by Eucalyp, timeline by Takao Umehara, and goal by Lara. Created on