Each group will test the directions of another group in the class. Here's what you'll do:
- Please locate the directions in the "Final Version of Durham Directions" topic in the Forums.
- As a group, test the directions by attempting to follow them to the specified location and back.
- As you follow the directions, note any places where the directions are missing information, are confusing, or have other problems.
- When you get back to Durham 261, go to the "Feedback for Durham Directions" topic in the Forums, and add a New Conversation with the subject line "Feedback for [insert group name here]."
Answer the following questions tot give the writers feedback on their directions:
- How easy/difficult were the directions to follow? Did you make it to your destination and back in a reasonable amount of time?
- What missing information, confusion, or other issues did you encounter as you tried to follow the directions?
- Do the directions have the expected elements (for instance, clear, numbered steps, use of imperatives, a clear, effective title)? If anything is missing, please explain.
- Comment on the layout and design of the directions. Are they clean and uncluttered? Are any graphics appropriate and integrated?
- Add any final advice, comments, and/or encouragement on the directions.
- After you've completed your feedback post in the Forums, complete the In-Class Writing for today.
Feedback Assignments:
- Alpha checks Bravo's Directions
- Bravo checks Alpha's Directions
- Charlie checks Foxtrot's Directions
- Delta checks Echo's Directions
- Echo checks Delta's Directions
- Foxtrot checks Charlie's Directions